суббота, 22 февраля 2020 г.


Arzoo learns about this and tries to meet with her kids more often, as she doesn't want them to forget her. The dynamics and module of music industry has totally changed, now YouTube and Facebook are the main platforms for any artiste everywhere in the world. As an actor, he's still learning, so as his teacher, I would give him 7 out of 10 for Tanhai. Jal has a very unique style of music which is based on simple music, catchy lyrics and melodies, and I hope fans would love the new video as we try to maintain the standard of interesting great videos. I am still looking forward to do a film, but with an interesting story line. Is it true that the drama was originally not called "Tanhai" and was changed after Fahim Burney heard your track Tanhai? Throughout this time, Mohsin is shown to be having an affair with Arzoo's friend and that both of them are using Arzoo for her money. song tanhai by goher mumtaz

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Here i am providing best romantic songs of Arzoo and Mohsin are also in cahoots as he wants everything from her including properties and money.

Tanhai, tanhai, phir aai.....!

The glamour element has also been fulfilled by Sohai Ali Abro and Ayesha Omer, the leading ladies who are also professional models. Photography by Tarek Raza. Using his contacts he get Jia's cousin transferred to Dubai. Current broadcasts on Hum TV. To know the rest of the story, you'll have to watch the drama.

Arzoo hires him for her own gain to make Faiz, believe that Jia is cheating on him with Zubair. Everybody involved in Tanhai was committed to the project and the result is in front of you!

UN continue convening session ummtaz Kashmir, take cognizance of Indian actions.

song tanhai by goher mumtaz

Meanwhile, Faiz and Gher meet as Arzoo calls Faiz as she exchanges the phones purposely. She brings her children to her and Mohsin's house, to which Mohsin disagrees.

Tanhai & Aadat by Gohar Mumtaz

Loneliness is a Pakistani television drama serial by Hum TV. They go the next day and ask Jia to come back home. The end shows an angry Arzoo going back to her home alone crying.

But in music, even if you are sitting for 10 straight hours, recording or producing a song, you hear it there and then. He believes it when he sees Zubair and Jia at the beach talking to each other not knowing that Jia is asking him to leave her alone.

As an actor, he's still learning, so as his teacher, I would give him 7 out of 10 for Tanhai. The fathers go out and work for their family and if the mother leaves them too, the children are neglected. Read on to grab more details….

Videos matching JAL THE BAND - Tanhai | Revolvy

The whole team gave their best to Tanhai, we had a good working relationship among the byy, and we hoped for the best. This page was last edited on 3 Octoberat Generally, music is considered important for a movie to be a hit.

song tanhai by goher mumtaz

Tell us your experience drama bu with the roles you have performed. November 14, Dobara Phir Se set to release on 25th. Then Arzoo goes to Mohsin there she finds him with her friend: His mother chooses a young woman from a lower-middle-class family named Jia Sohai Ali Abro. Arzoo gets jealous and asks Mohsin to take her to Bangkok as well.

I have been offered quite a few roles but they are tanai up to the mark. Sonu is a great fan of our melodies and I wish in the future we could do something together. Jia's cousin tells her to wait for their marriage, and Jia realizes that he is a selfish man, so she decides to marry Faiz.

song tanhai by goher mumtaz

For the female population, there should always be a heartthrob, and that role was handed over to Goher Mumtaz of Jal the band. So Goher, just between you and me, and that half of the population reading this paper whom does Faiz end up with? More heavy rains, thunderstorms expected giher the country.

She asks her brother why he hid this truth from her, to which he replies that he only did it for her secure future.

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