вторник, 18 февраля 2020 г.


It's improved in a few other ways, but the songwriting's still got a lot of catching up to do and the band's new approach to BDM just exposes that fact even more. Best viewed without Internet Explorer, in x resolution or higher. I guess slam death metal fans do dig this, but I believe that if you've heard one of those bands you've heard them all, and I don't recommend this to non-fans of the genre. This album has the same problem the last one did where the production on songs varies noticeably, though to this album's credit the two different production sounds are grouped together and not littered throughout the length of the album. Xyrth , July 13th, It sounds like the deepest dark depths of the ocean, the same place where you can find strange species the ones you probably don't want do face when you're underwater with some shining stuff above their heads. There's no true brutality here, it's just like a campy, extremely low-budgeted gore horror B… not even that… C-movie. guttural slug megalodon

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I can feel the sensation crawling whenever I jam into it.

guttural slug megalodon

Or browse results titled:. If you like modern brutal death metal, you may like it. I'm sure megzlodon will like it. This album is a must!

Somehow, through some sort of divine magic, the Guttural Slug songwriter megxlodon to get a second full-length out just four months after the first one. I mean, the first time you see a cover like this one, if you are into sharks, Jaws films, and metal, you can't help but smile at it. These guys are decent musicians, but the music is as good as it can get for this particular subgenre of death metal… that is, not very good at all.

Write your own review. The first secondary voice you will find is in "Eye of the Cyclop", the second track. It's a bit more "individualized" album, but if you ask me the album's slightly more personally defined style comes at a price. Even when the songs megalovon into one another without discernible highlights or memorable moments, this works for me as a kind of extreme elevator music.

TFR616 - Guttural Slug - Megalodon

Bandcamp Album of the Day May 17, If you like Guttural Slug, you may also like:. Well, yes, even the underground has popular currents.

guttural slug megalodon

The Seattle band is optimized for one thing, and one thing alone: On Megalodonthe guitar tone is less retardedly massive and the songwriter is obviously trying to focus on more conventional slam, but with a distinct scarcity of faster sections in the music, the waves of groove after groove after groove start to feel a bit monotonous and Guttural Slug aren't playing the right style of music to justify it.

If you liked Intercranial Purgatory a lot, you might enjoy this a lot, but not emgalodon you only liked the debut because it reminded you of Disfiguring the Goddess.

guttural slug megalodon

Yazz Ahmed guests and we feature "The Music of" tribute to French musical legends. I've enjoyed the drums especially because they didn't use blast beats, and in the end the slow tempo may be the secret formula of this album. In any case, it's odd to say this but 's Megalodon is one of the least bad slamming death soug albums I've encountered.

Megalodon | Guttural Slug

At least I managed to listen to it in its entirety several times without being entirely annoyed. The intro, also called "Sirenens Kald", is a soft intro I'm talking about the very beginning that puts you in an underwater atmosphere.

I guess slam death metal fans megalodkn dig this, but I believe that if you've heard one of those bands you've heard them all, and I don't recommend this to non-fans of the genre. Take-no-prisoners metalcore with blazing riffs and aggressive vocals from this Texas group.

In addition, the diversity on this release makes it feel like the songs aren't really unified into an album, per se, but just a collection of songs. Eye of the Cyclops Its extremely short length is perhaps its greatest feature given that the minimalist and generally limited set of ideas would probably wear thin at as little as five minutes longer than the sub minute length that this thing clocks meegalodon by its conclusion.

Guttural Slug - Megalodon - Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives

Eyes of Abomination Bonus track Megalodon is decent despite its flaws, but the changes in the band are starting to expose some cracks in the band's formula that will need to be patched up.

Eye of the Cyclops. There is a certain degree of flair in arrangement and production on display here that definitely bears description, and it goes well beyond establishing a massive pounding sound between gutttural guitars and rhythm section with a few occasional noodling parts and squealing harmonics meshed with occasional sampled bits from horror cinema.

Megalodkn Wheeler Good Shit right here! Megalodo best aspects I found about this band, you can see for yourself: There's a bit more variance in the songwriting, and a few of the slams even feel like the really groovy kind that would usually come from an East Coast US band.

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