понедельник, 17 февраля 2020 г.


This pledge is inclusive of flights, meals and accommodation for any US backers. Jul 3, - Aug 2, 30 days. Last updated February 10, As an already established DJ company, why do we need to launch a Kickstarter campaign just to press and sell some 7" vinyl? The best-selling skratch tool of all time on 7" 33rpm! Some of the coolest and the most ground-breaking ideas get recognized and launched here too. We will have to block out a schedule for both parties to book flights, accommodation and transportation. skratchy seal

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Official Baby Seal Release. We will have to communicate and set-up logistics perfectly so the lucky backer will have a once-in-a-lifetime experience during the stay at Lair of the Octagon.

Jul 3, - Aug 2, 30 days. We will have to block out a schedule for both parties to book flights, accommodation and transportation.

skratchy seal

The best-selling skratch tool of all time on 7" 33rpm! Estimated delivery Nov Questions about this project? Akratchy classic skratch samples and phrases in skipless format for endless skratch fun.

skratchy seal

As already mentioned, this is also an awareness campaign that says "Kickstarter is awesome so you better get with the program. Instant skratch anywhere excitement!!!

We will start shipping the items as we get your survey replies. Funding period Jul 3, - Aug 2, 30 days. It turns any portable turntable into a Baby QFO! Share this project Done. As an already established DJ company, why do we need to launch a Kickstarter campaign just to press and sell some 7" vinyl?

Digital version of Baby Seal. But now, we'll eliminate all that hassle: Some of the coolest and the most ground-breaking ideas get recognized and launched here too.

Check out the review by DJ Skraychy to hear the samples included. We already do this right? This also serves as an awareness campaign regarding Kickstarter before launching bigger projects in the near future hint: Almost every DJ that shops for vinyl has a mini portable turntable they bring with them so they can hear records before buying.

Skratchy Seal Is Having A Baby: Official Baby Seal Release by Thud Rumble — Kickstarter

To make things interesting, the sounds on the picture disc will be different from the regular 7" vinyl - HINT: This will be the only time we will be pressing and selling the Superseal Picture Disc. Reward no longer available. The main goal of dkratchy project is to raise funds to press and officially launch the Baby Seal 7" Black Vinyl seql 7" Picture Disc. Learn more about accountability.

Estimated delivery Sep Last updated February 10, We want to have our current customer base to be exposed and get used to this platform by starting out with a simple project so when we finally release a bigger project, everybody is already in the system.

Best of Skratchy Seal – 10 Years of Superseal

Support Select this reward. Kickstarter is not a store. Plus a bonus 1 year subscription with QBert Skratch University. As an industry-leading DJ company, we already have a working system in place in producing and shipping products. Reward no longer available backers. San Francisco, CA Music.

skratchy seal

This pledge is inclusive of flights, meals and accommodation for any US backers.

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