понедельник, 17 февраля 2020 г.


The host computer must be properly grounded. An analog input scan is in progress. DAQFlex Install DAQFlex software when you want to develop data acquisition applications that can be deployed across multiple operating systems and custom embedded systems. To maintain compliance to the standards of this declaration, the following conditions must be met. Functional Details Replace the top section of the housing, and fasten it to the bottom section with the three screws. pmd-1608fs software

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Any deviation from this is an offset error. Any Measurement Computing Corporation product may be returned within 30 days of purchase for a full refund of the price paid for the product being returned. Pinout locations are shown in Figure 3.

USBFS-Plus User's Guide |

If you are not satisfied, or chose the wrong product by pme-1608fs, you do not have to keep it. Specifications in italic text are guaranteed by design. Ideally, a zero volt input should produce an output code of 32, Return the device to Measurement Computing Corporation when calibration is required.

pmd-1608fs software

Channel-Gain queue The channel-gain queue feature allows you to configure a different gain setting for each channel. The speed of the device may be limited when using a USB 1. Check out our free e-newsletters to read more great articles. Battery-powered root port hubs provide mA or mA, depending upon the manufacturer.

To provide data acquisition hardware and software that will spftware time and save money.

If the device is damaged, notify Measurement Computing Corporation immediately by phone, fax, or email. You can repeat this procedure until you have the total number of samples that you want from one channel. Thank pms-1608fs for choosing a Measurement Computing product—and congratulations!

The trigger mode is software-selectable for edge or level sensitive.

Measurement Computing Corp. Announces The PMD-1608FS USB-based DAQ Product Line

Installing the software Note: Conventions in this user's guide For more information Spftware presented in a box signifies additional information and helpful hints related to the subject matter you are reading. Screw terminals The screw terminals provide the following connections: Figure 7 shows an ideal, error-free transfer function.

Accuracy The overall accuracy of any instrument is limited by the error components within the system. An analog input scan is in progress. Unplug the device from the computer.

pmd-1608fs software

An example of a five element list is shown in the table below. The accuracy plots in Figure 8 are drawn for clarity and are not drawn to scale. Included with each purchase are: When connected for the first time, a Found New Hardware dialog opens when the operating system detects the device.

USB-1608FS-Plus User's Guide

Before removing the USBFS-Plus from its housing, ground yourself softeare a wrist strap or touch the computer chassis or other grounded object to eliminate any stored static charge. DAQFlex Install DAQFlex software when sooftware want to develop data acquisition applications that can be deployed across multiple operating systems and custom embedded systems.

Although this condition does not damage the device, it does produce a useless full-scale reading, and can introduce a long recovery time due to saturation of the input channel.

pmd-1608fs software

The recommended calibration interval is one year. The accuracy plots softwqre Figure 10 are drawn for clarity and are not drawn to scale. If your laptop PC is constrained to the mA maximum, you need to purchase a self-powered hub. Do not connect it to an external power supply or you may damage the device and possibly the computer.

Refer to the schematic shown in Figure 4.

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