понедельник, 24 февраля 2020 г.


Structure and Infrastucture Engineering. Statistical, probabilistic and decision analysis aspects related to the efficient use of structural monitoring systems. Monitoring of Civil Infrastructure - Techniques and Results. Innovative Perforated Steel Sheet Reinforcement: Gamma processes for the degradation analysis of engineering structures. Basic study of monitoring on FRP.. din fachbericht 146

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Shear failure of pre-stressed concrete T-shaped girders: Performance predictions of bridge structures based on damage pattern detection and extreme value methods. Installation strategy on a 3-span Jointless Bridge.

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Fatigue assessment of concrete offshore wind energy foundations. Stiffness identification and degradation of masonry under seismic loads.

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Experimental study on monitoring the shear degradation of reinforced concrete members. Basic study of monitoring on fibre reinforced plymers: P; Strauss, A; Grazer Betonkolloquium, Graz, Prestressed fachbeticht roof girders: Monitoring Systems for the Bridge Railway Interaction. Reliability analysis based fachbericjt for bridge assessment.

Investigation of shear fracture mechanism by digital image correlation systems. Integrative monitoring measurements of perforated steel sheets. Investigation on parameters at the concrete - FRP interface. Monitoring of Civil Infrastructure - Techniques and Results.

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Life cycle reliability assessment based on advanced structural modeling - nonlinear FEM. Optimized monitoring concepts for arch bridges. Baustatik und Festigkeitslehre I.

Probabilistic monitoring aspects and optimisation of a jointless bridge. Reliability Assessment and Prediction unsing Monitoring Information. Inspection of bridges in Austria - Practice and outlook. Stability evolution of deep-seated rock slides in the surroundings of large dam reservoirs.

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Tools and safety formats. Computationally efficient estimation of the probability density function for the load bearing capacity of concrete columns exposed to fire.

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Performance prediction of concrete torrent control structures in Austria. Performance indicators for road bridges, Fact sheet.

Gamma processes for the long-term prediction of creep deflections. Physikalische nichtlineare Analyse dreidimensionaler Stabtragwerke aus Dib mit der Methode der mathematischen Optimierung.

Nonlinear structural analyses tools and safety formats. Reliability assessment of an existing bridge using long-term monitoring. Linearity assumptions in design: An Innovative Type of Seismic Isolator. Maintenance, Management, Life-cycle Design and Performance.

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Non-Linear Design of Frame Structures. Safety Analysis and Reliability Assessment Maintenance.

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